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Become a Member of OCRA

Membership is only open to people who own and/or reside at Oakwood Court.  We have two types of membership, which are described below.

Full Members must be Leaseholders paying a variable service charge to the Landlord.  A company that is a Leaseholder of a flat is also eligible for Full Membership.  We only allow one Full Member per flat, but other residents of that flat can apply for Associate Membership (ie: additional members from the same flat won't have voting rights).

Associate Members are Tenants paying fixed rents.  Tenants can only qualify for Associate Membership and will not have any voting rights.  However, they can attend and speak at any General Meeting of the Association.  Associate Membership is also allowed for Leaseholders of the same flats where there is already one Full Member.

Send us an email to request membership:

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Membership is free and automatically renewable, but we welcome your voluntary donations on an annual basis as we have many costs to cover.

Donation by cheque

Alternatively, you can send a cheque to our Membership Officer, Kate Cullinan, in Flat 25.  The cheque should be made payable to "OCRA."  Remember to write your name, flat number, and email address on the reverse of your cheque.  The suggested annual donation is £30 per household.


By joining OCRA you are strengthening residents' collective voice with our Managing Agents.  OCRA members receive regular newsletters informing them of the latest news for Oakwood Court and they receive a password to access the restricted areas of this website.

Become a Block Representative

In 2020 we established a new role within OCRA, open to all Leaseholders who are residents and OCRA members.  Block Representatives are volunteers that will help us monitor any cleaning, maintenance or any other nuisance issues that occur within their own Block, reporting any ongoing problems to the OCRA Committee on a monthly basis by email so we can ensure they are properly addressed.  For example, the Block Representative would report to the Committee if rubbish is not being collected on time, any lights are not being replaced in the common parts, or the lift is not working properly so that we can endeavour to improve the service being provided by our contractors.  We hope to have one Representative for each block in order to ensure that everyone is covered, so please consider helping out for the benefit of everyone in your building.

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